Ahjola Settlement In English

Ahjola Settlement is a non-profit association that organizes guided activities and possibilities for learning and recreation for people of all ages in the Tampere area. Our main fields are adult education and child and youth work.

  • Ahjola Adult Education Centre organizes about 1200 courses annually for about 15 000 participants. The number of course hours in a year is about 28 000. You can find our Finnish courses here.
  • The hobby clubs for adults are led by volunteers and have about 150 participants in a year.
  • Tyttöjen tupa (Clubhouse for girls) is aimed at girls and genderqueer children aged 8-14.
  • Poikien tupa (Clubhouse for boys) is aimed at boys and genderqueer children aged 8-14.
  • In Big Sister activities volunteering adults act as support for girls, boys and genderqueer children aged 8-14.
  • Ahjola also organizes Pyörre Dance Event annually in April.

Ahjola Settlement was founded in 1929. There are about 70 full-time and over 300 part-time employees working for Ahjola.

Ahjola is a member of the Finnish Federation of Settlement Houses.

The mission of Ahjola is to promote people’s overall wellbeing and support interaction between people. The values guiding our activities are acknowledging the value and rights of individuals, communal values, tolerance and understanding diversity as well as confidence in the ability of people and communities to solve problems independently.

The board of Ahjola Settlement

Jarmo Rautiainen, chair
Kaisa Isännäinen
Matti Helin
Markku Kämäräinen
Harri Lakkala
Sointu Lanki
Tommi Rasila
Juho Saari